About Father’s Heart Sports

Our Vision

Create a better world by training up future men to become the heroes God created them to be.

Our Mission

The Fathers Heart reaches the hearts and minds of boys in underserved communities. We utilize martial arts to train and build up Heart, Soul, Mind, and Strength to change their trajectory, transforming boys into future men and productive citizens for life.

If we don’t teach the boys the men won’t know
— Douglas Wilson

Who We Serve

Future Men.

The need for men has not diminished, it has only accelerated and if present trends continue, we are going to have a real need for heroes. 

At Fathers Heart Sports we work with boys and young men from childhood to 24+ to help them become healthy, dynamic, future men and heroes

What We Do

We build future men and heroes using the long-term athlete development model. We structure martial arts group training programs, as well as individual one-on-one sessions and outreach work. We provide the vital support and advocacy that changes boys and young men’s lives for the better. We focus our work with boys and young men who face structural discrimination and disadvantage to develop Godly masculine men.

Why We Exist

In today’s culture the message boys hear about what it means to be a man is of the world and not what God created men to be. If we don’t teach the boys, the men won’t know. Our community, our world desperately needs Godly men to lead. How and what boys and young men learn about being a man affects how they manage their lives and relationships. It also affects how they feel about themselves. Many boys and young men still learn that being dominant and aggressive are necessary parts of being a man and they find it hard to resist overwhelming peer pressure to take part in unnecessary risky behavior. These pressures during adolescence and other transitional times in life, can have harmful consequences for men themselves, their families and our communities.

Together with your support, Fathers Hearts goal is to generationally change men’s lives for the future of our community and world.

“Martial arts throughout history has always been the base of developing men for war. We are currently in a spiritual war and our young men must to learn how to fight physically, mentally, and spiritually”
— Coach Matt Lindland

Why combat sports?

 Throughout history Combat Sports like boxing, wrestling has always had the fewest barriers to entry and have raised a lot of young athletes out of poverty. Combat sports require hard work and discipline which is what men need and have always needed. Our present world has become too easy, and our men have become soft. When men go through hard times, they are forced to be stronger, or they will break. The Father’s Heart is here to build up our boys and future men, not beat them up. Our goal is to instill the grit needed to get through tough times and come out stronger. Life is tough and men need to be tougher. If men are weak and lazy life will be harder than it needs to be.